November 5, 2024
The Biology classes were studying enzymes and their reactant properties. Mrs Usher blended up liver to produce enzymes that the students would then test. They were testing the rela...

September 23, 2024
On a sunny Friday the lunch ladies of Kettle Falls High School hosted a lively back-to-school BBQ, welcoming students, staff, and teachers to kick off the new school year. The ev...

January 2, 2024
Kettle Falls is still aglow with the warmth of the recent Lady Lions Craft Fair on December 2, where the Future Farmers of America (FFA) students from Kettle Falls High School pla...

October 23, 2023
Get ready, Bulldogs, because homecoming week is just around the corner, and it's bound to be a rhythm-filled blast! This year's theme is "We got the Beat," and it's all about cele...

October 6, 2023
Several of our talented young ladies at Kettle Falls High School had the opportunity to attend the event, "Women in Engineering," hosted by the University of Idaho as part of the ...

October 4, 2023
In our mission to provide a well-rounded education that prepares our students for the challenges and opportunities of the real world. We are proud to highlight one of these course...

September 13, 2023
This summer the Stevens County Special Response Team, or SRT, engaged in room clearing training at the Kettle Falls High School. This training is designed to help deputies practic...

July 11, 2023
KFSD has adopted Character Strong as their Social Emotional Learning curriculum. Students from grades K-12 participate in lessons at least one time a week that focus on well-bein...

June 23, 2023
As some of you may know, our high school roof has leakage issues that have progressively worsened over the years. Work began by rolling out the new roofing panels a couple weeks ...

May 15, 2023
Allison Warner won the poster design contest for Clash of the Arts. The Clash of the Arts will be at 6:00 p.m. on May 24, 2023, in the Kettle Falls High School commons. The pira...

May 10, 2023
At Kettle Falls School District we are working diligently to ensure student safety. One of these measures includes making improvements to our school's entryways. This greatly incr...

April 7, 2023
Staff and student safety continues to be our highest priority. Maintaining effective communication is essential as we continue to provide a safe learning environment. Three years ...

April 7, 2023
Students in Kettle Falls have access to courses that teach students real life skills, and one such example is Mr. Gary Axtell’s small engines course. Each year community members v...

April 7, 2023
Students in Mrs. Tetrick’s Foods class are busy making their own pizza from scratch! The “pizza lab” requires students to identify the ingredients and create a shopping list prior...

April 7, 2023
As you may know, we started the process of identifying a School Security Officer (SSO) in September. We began by working with our Long Range Safety Planning group, which is made u...